
Permission Node Description Default
piggycustomenchants Allows usage of all PiggyCustomEnchants features false
piggycustomenchants.command Allow usage of all PiggyCustomEnchants commands op
piggycustomenchants.command.ce Allow usage of the /customenchant command op
piggycustomenchants.command.ce.about Allow usage of the /customenchant about subcommand true
piggycustomenchants.command.ce.enchant Allow usage of the /customenchant enchant subcommand op Allow usage of the /customenchant help subcommand true Allow usage of the /customenchant info subcommand true
piggycustomenchants.command.ce.list Allow usage of the /customenchant list subcommand true
piggycustomenchants.command.ce.nbt Allow usage of the /customenchant nbt subcommand true
piggycustomenchants.command.ce.remove Allow usage of the /customenchant remove subcommand op
piggycustomenchants.overridecheck Allow overriding of custom enchant level limit and item restriction false

Last updated: 06/07/20